O.V. Brantley Studio

A collection of exceptional quilts by O.V. Brantley, Atlanta, GA.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

India's 8th Grade Dance

India's 8th Grade Dance, 64 x 84 inches, 2005.
The 8th grade dance is a milestone in every girls' life. For most, it is the first opportunity to dance with a boy. This quilt captures the drama of deciding what to wear. India picked out all of her dresses for this quilt.Posted by Picasa

Music Girl #13/100

Music Girl, 64 X 75 inches, 2005.
When I started the African Canvas Memory Quilt series, naturally, India had to have one also. Her quilt is number 13 of the 100 quilt series. It has a musical theme because music is truly her first love. The sashing, the binding and the back are made of fabric with a musical note motif. The ribbons on the bottom of the quilt represent her braids. We continue to add many fond memories to her quilt.Posted by Picasa

First Love

First Love, 30 x 30 inches, 2003.

Ladies, do you remember when you first discovered boys? What anxiety they cause us! This little wallhanging hangs in India's study. She was also going through her "I love purple" phase. Posted by Picasa

India's Prima Ballerina Stars

India's Prima Ballerina Stars, 71 x 89 inches, 2001.

I remember being so excited to find brown ballerinas in the fabric store. I knew my ballerina had to have a quilt made out of this fabric. India received the quilt on January 5, 1992, her 10th birthday. Posted by Picasa

From Mommy With Love

I suppose when anyone begins a craft, it is normal to practice on family members first. I was no different. Over the years, I have made several quilts for my daughter India. Looking back on it, I tended to be inspired by whatever was going on in her life – ballet, boys, the school dance. Now that she is a teenager who knows what inspirations await!